Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Stohl

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Grythe H, Kristiansen NI, Zwaaftink CDG, Eckhardt S, Ström J, Tunved P et al. A new aerosol wet removal scheme for the Lagrangian particle model FLEXPART v10. Geoscientific Model Development. 2017 Apr 7;10(4):1447-1466. doi: 10.5194/gmd-10-1447-2017

Popovicheva OB, Evangeliou N, Eleftheriadis K, Kalogridis AC, Sitnikov N, Eckhardt S et al. Black Carbon Sources Constrained by Observations in the Russian High Arctic. Environmental Science and Technology. 2017 Apr 4;51(7):3871-3879. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.6b05832

D. Groot Zwaaftink C, Grythe H, Arnalds Ó, Dagsson-Waldhauserova P, Skov H, Jóhannsson T et al.. Contributions of Icelandic and other high-latitude sources to mineral dust in the Arctic. 2017. EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Österreich.

Evangeliou N, Shevchenko V, Espen Yttri K, Eckhardt S, Sollum E, Pokrovsky OS et al. Elemental carbon in snow from Western Siberia and Northwestern European Russia during spring 2014, 2015 and 2016. Geophysical Research Abstracts. 2017 Apr;19:7764.

Zwaaftink CDG, Schmidt LS, Gumundsson S, Pálsson F, Arnalds O, Björnsson H et al. Impact of dust deposition on the albedo of Vatnajökull ice cap, Iceland. Cryosphere. 2017 Mär 23;11(2):741-754. doi: 10.5194/tc-11-741-2017

Thompson RL, Sasakawa M, Machida T, Aalto T, Worthy D, Lavric JV et al. Methane fluxes in the high northern latitudes for 2005-2013 estimated using a Bayesian atmospheric inversion. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2017 Mär 14;17(5):3553-3572. doi: 10.5194/acp-17-3553-2017

Winiger P, Andersson A, Eckhardt S, Stohl A, Semiletov IP, Dudarev OV et al. Siberian Arctic black carbon sources constrained by model and observation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2017 Feb 14;114(7):E1054-E1061. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1613401114

Cassiani M, Ardeshiri H, Park SY, Stohl A, Marro M, Salizzoni P et al.. A large eddy simulation study of mean dispersion and concentration fluctuations from a point source. 2017. Beitrag in 18th International Conference on Harmonisation within Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling for Regulatory Purposes, HARMO 2017, Bologna, Italien.

Evangeliou N, Popovicheva O, Shevchenko VP, Espen Yttri K, Eckhardt S, Pokrovsky OS et al. Black carbon in the Russian Arctic. Using a dispersion model to track the origin of black carbon in snow and atmosphere. in Lappalainen HK, Haapanala P, Borisova A, Chalov S, Kasimov N, Zilitinkevich S, Kulmala M, Hrsg., Proceedings of the 3rd Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Conference and the 7th PEEX Meeting. . Helsinki: Aerosolitutkimusseura ry – Finnish Association for Aerosol Research FAAR. 2017. S. 106-111. (Finnish Association for Aerosol Research. Report Series in Aerosol Science, Band 201).


Pisso I, Lund Myhre C, Platt SM, Eckhardt S, Hermansen O, Schmidbauer N et al. Constraints on oceanic methane emissions west of svalbard from atmospheric in situ measurements and lagrangian transport modeling. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2016 Dez 16;121(23):14,188-14,200. doi: 10.1002/2016JD025590

Zamora LM, Kahn RA, Eckhardt S, McComiskey A, Sawamura P, Moore RH et al. Arctic aerosol net indirect effects on thin, mid-altitude, liquidbearing clouds. 2016 Dez 14.

Groot Zwaaftink CD, Grythe H, Skov H, Stohl A. Substantial contribution of northern high-latitude sources to mineral dust in the Arctic. Journal of Geophysical Research. 2016 Nov 27;121(22):13,678-13,697. doi: 10.1002/2016JD025482

Lu X, Zhang L, Yue X, Zhang J, Jaffe DA, Stohl A et al. Wildfire influences on the variability and trend of summer surface ozone in the mountainous western United States. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics. 2016 Nov 24;16(22):14687-14702. doi: 10.5194/acp-16-14687-2016