Univ.-Prof. Dr. Gerhard Herndl
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Herndl, GJ & Reinthaler, T 2013, 'Microbial control of the dark end of the biological pump', Nature Geoscience, Jg. 6, Nr. 9, S. 718-724. https://doi.org/10.1038/NGEO1921
Morgan-Smith, D, Clouse, MA, Herndl, GJ & Bochdansky, AB 2013, 'Diversity and distribution of microbial eukaryotes in the deep tropical and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean', Deep-Sea Research. Part 1: Oceanographic Research Papers, Jg. 78, S. 58-69. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2013.04.010
Bergauer, K, Sintes Elvelin, E, van Bleijswijk, J, Witte, H & Herndl, GJ 2013, 'Abundance and distribution of archaeal acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase genes indicative for putatively chemoautotrophic Archaea in the tropical Atlantic's interior', FEMS microbiology ecology, Jg. 84, Nr. 3, S. 461-473. https://doi.org/10.1111/1574-6941.12073, https://doi.org/10.1111/1574-6941.12073
Sintes Elvelin, E, Bergauer, K, De Corte, D, Yokokawa, T & Herndl, GJ 2013, 'Archaeal amoA gene diversity points to distinct biogeography of ammonia-oxidizing Crenarchaeota in the ocean', Environmental Microbiology, Jg. 15, Nr. 5, S. 1647-1658. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1462-2920.2012.02801.x
Baltar, F, Reinthaler, T, Herndl, GJ & Pinhassi, J 2013, 'Major Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on Bacterioplankton Metabolism in the Northeast Atlantic', PLoS ONE, Jg. 8, Nr. 4, e61051. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0061051
De Corte, D, Sintes Elvelin, E, Yokokawa, T & Herndl, GJ 2013, 'Comparison between MICRO-CARD-FISH and 16S rRNA gene clone libraries to assess the active versus total bacterial community in the coastal Arctic', Environmental Microbiology Reports, Jg. 5, Nr. 2, S. 272-281. https://doi.org/10.1111/1758-2229.12013
Baltar, F, Aristegui, J, Gasol, JM, Yokokawa, T & Herndl, GJ 2013, 'Bacterial Versus Archaeal Origin of Extracellular Enzymatic Activity in the Northeast Atlantic Deep Waters', Microbial Ecology: an international journal, Jg. 65, Nr. 2, S. 277-288. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-012-0126-7
Sintes Elvelin, E, Witte, H, Stodderegger, K, Steiner, P & Herndl, GJ 2013, 'Temporal dynamics in the free-living bacterial community composition in the coastal North Sea', FEMS microbiology ecology, Jg. 83, Nr. 2, S. 413-424. https://doi.org/10.1111/1574-6941.12003
Bochdansky, AB, Jericho, MH & Herndl, GJ 2013, 'Development and deployment of a point-source digital inline holographic microscope for the study of plankton and particles to a depth of 6000 m', Limnology and Oceanography-Methods, Jg. 11, Nr. 1, S. 28-40. https://doi.org/10.4319/lom.2013.11.28
De Corte, D, Sintes Elvelin, E, Yokokawa, T & Herndl, G 2013, 'Comparison between MICRO-CARD-FISH and 16SrRNA gene clone libraries to assess the active versus total bacterial community in the coastal Arctic', Environmental Microbiology Reports, Jg. 5, Nr. 272-281.
Ruiz-González, C, Galí, M, Sintes Elvelin, E, Herndl, GJ, Gasol, JM & Simó, R 2012, 'Sunlight Effects on the Osmotrophic Uptake of DMSP-Sulfur and Leucine by Polar Phytoplankton', PLoS ONE, Jg. 7, Nr. 9, e45545. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0045545
Smetacek, V, Klaas, C, Strass, VH, Assmy, P, Montresor, M, Cisewski, B, Savoye, N, Webb, A, D'Ovidio, F, Arrieta, JM, Bathmann, U, Bellerby, R, Berg, GM, Croot, P, Gonzalez, S, Henjes, J, Herndl, G, Hoffmann, LJ, Leach, H, Losch, M, Mills, MM, Neill, C, Peeken, I, Röttgers, R, Sachs, O, Sauter, E, Schmidt, MM, Schwarz, J, Terbrüggen, A & Wolf-Gladrow, D 2012, 'Deep carbon export from a Southern Ocean iron-fertilized diatom bloom', Nature, Jg. 487, Nr. 7407, S. 313-319. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature11229
Yokokawa, T, Sintes Elvelin, E, De Corte, D & Herndl, G 2012, 'Differentiating leucine incorporation of Archaea and Bacteria throughout the water column of the eastern Atlantic using metabolic inhibitors', Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Jg. 66, Nr. 3, S. 247-256. https://doi.org/10.3354/ame01575
Thomas, H, Craig, S, Greenan, B, Burt, W, Herndl, G, Higginson, S, Salt, L, Shadwick, E & Urrego-Blanco, J 2012, 'Direct observations of diel biological CO2 fixation on the Scotian Shelf, northwestern Atlantic Ocean', Biogeosciences, Jg. 9, Nr. 6, S. 2301-2309. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-9-2301-2012
De Corte, D, Sintes Elvelin, E, Yokokawa, T, Reinthaler, T & Herndl, G 2012, 'Links between viruses and prokaryotes throughout the water column along a North Atlantic latitudinal transect', The ISME Journal: multidisciplinary journal of microbial ecology, Jg. 6, Nr. 8, S. 1566-1577. https://doi.org/10.1038/ismej.2011.214
Baltar, F, Aristegui, J, Gasol, JM & Herndl, G 2012, 'Microbial Functioning and Community Structure Variability in the Mesopelagic and Epipelagic Waters of the Subtropical Northeast Atlantic Ocean', Applied and Environmental Microbiology, Jg. 78, Nr. 9, S. 3309-3316. https://doi.org/10.1128/AEM.07962-11
Stadler, F & Herndl, G 2012, 'Persönliche Paradigmen - Unbekannte Tiefsee', Info Das Magazin des Wissenschaftsfonds, Nr. 81, S. 42-45. <http://www.fwf.ac.at/de/public_relations/printprodukte/info/info81-12-02.pdf>
Muia, AW, Bretschko, G & Herndl, GJ 2011, 'An overview of the structure and function of microbial biofilms, with special emphasis on heterotrophic aquatic microbial communities', African Journal of Aquatic Science, Jg. 36, Nr. 1, S. 1-10. https://doi.org/10.2989/16085914.2011.562279
Morgan-Smith, D, Herndl, G, van Aken, HM & Bochdansky, AB 2011, 'Abundance of eukaryotic microbes in the deep subtropical North Atlantic', Aquatic Microbial Ecology, Jg. 65, S. 103-115. https://doi.org/10.3354/ame01536
De Corte, D, Sintes Elvelin, E, Yokokawa, T & Herndl, G 2011, 'Changes in viral and bacterial communities during the ice-melting season in the coastal Arctic (Kongsfjorden, Ny-Alesund)', Environmental Microbiology, Jg. 13, Nr. 7, S. 1827-1841. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1462-2920.2011.02497.x
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