Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann
Alle Publikationen
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Marazuela, MÁ, García-Gil, A, Santamarta, JC, Gasco-Cavero, S, Cruz-Pérez, N & Hofmann, T 2022, 'Stormwater management in urban areas using dry gallery infiltration systems', Science of the Total Environment, Jg. 823, 153705. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.153705
Montaño, MD, Cuss, CW, Holliday, HM, Javed, MB, Shotyk, W, Sobocinski, KL, Hofmann, T, Kammer, FVD & Ranville, JF 2022, 'Exploring Nanogeochemical Environments: New Insights from Single Particle ICP-TOFMS and AF4-ICPMS', ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, Jg. 6, Nr. 4, S. 943-952. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00350
Sigmund, G, Arp, HPH, Aumeier, BM, Bucheli, TD, Chefetz, B, Chen, W, Endo, S, Escher, BI, Hale, SE, Hofmann, T, Pignatello, J, Reemtsma, H, Schmidt, TC, Schönsee, CD, Scheringer, M & Droge, SJ 2022, 'Sorption and Mobility of Charged Organic Compounds: How to Confront and Overcome Limitations in Their Assessment', Environmental Science & Technology, Jg. 56, Nr. 8, S. 4702-4710. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c00570
Brumovský, M, University, P, Micić, V, Malina, O, Kaslik, J, Tunega, D, Kolos, M, Hofmann, T, Karlický, F & Filip, J 2022, 'Iron Nitride Nanoparticles for Enhanced Reductive Dechlorination of Trichloroethylene', Environmental Science & Technology, Jg. 56, Nr. 7, S. 4425-4436. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.1c08282
Brünjes, R, Schüürman, J, Kammer, FVD & Hofmann, T 2022, 'Rapid analysis of gunshot residues with single-particle inductively coupled plasma time-of-flight mass spectrometry', Forensic Science International, Jg. 332, 111202. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.forsciint.2022.111202
Henkel, C, Hüffer, T & Hofmann, T 2022, 'Polyvinylchlorid-Mikroplastik ist eine Langzeitquelle für die Freisetzung von Phthalaten in wässrigen Medien', Mitteilung der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie, Jg. 28, Nr. 1, S. 3-6.
Wilkinson, JL, Boxall, ABA, Kolpin, DW, Leung, KMY, Lai, RWS, Galbán-Malagón, C, Adell, AD, Mondon, J, Metian, M, Marchant, RA, Bouzas-Monroy, A, Cuni-Sanchez, A, Coors, A, Carriquiriborde, P, Rojo, M, Gordon, C, Cara, M, Moermond, M, Luarte, T, Petrosyan, V, Perikhanyan, Y, Mahon, CS, McGurk, CJ, Hofmann, T, Kormoker, T, Iniguez, V, Guzman-Otazo, J, Tavares, JL, Gildasio De Figueiredo, F, Razzolini, MTP, Dougnon, V, Gbaguidi, G, Traoré, O, Blais, JM, Kimpe, LE, Wong, M, Wong, D, Ntchantcho, R, Pizarro, J, Ying, G-G, Chen, C-E, Páez, M, Martínez-Lara, J, Otamonga, J-P, Poté, J, Ifo, SA, Wilson, P, Echeverría-Sáenz, S, Udikovic-Kolic, N, Milakovic, M, Fatta-Kassinos, D, Ioannou-Ttofa, L, Belušová, V, Vymazal, J, Cárdenas-Bustamante, M, Kassa, BA, Garric, J, Chaumot, A, Gibba, P, Kunchulia, I, Seidensticker, S, Lyberatos, G, Halldórsson, HP, Melling, M, Shashidhar, T, Lamba, M, Nastiti, A, Supriatin, A, Pourang, N, Abedini, A, Abdullah, O, Gharbia, SS, Pilla, F, Chefetz, B, Topaz, T, Yao, KM, Aubakirova, B, Beisenova, R, Olaka, L, Mulu, JK, Chatanga, P, Ntuli, V, Blama, NT, Sherif, S, Aris, AZ, Looi, LJ, Niang, M, Traore, ST, Oldenkamp, R, Ogunbanwo, O, Ashfaq, M, Iqbal, M, Abdeen, Z, O'Dea, A, Morales-Saldaña, JM, Custodio, M, de la Cruz, H, Navarrete, I, Carvalho, F, Gogra, AB, Koroma, BM, Cerkvenik-Flajs, V, Gombač, M, Thwala, M, Choi, K, Kang, H, Ladu, JLC, Rico, A, Amerasinghe, P, Sobek, A, Horlitz, G, Zenker, AK, King, AC, Jiang, J-J, Kariuki, R, Tumbo, M, Tezel, U, Onay, TT, Lejju, JB, Vystavna, Y, Vergeles, Y, Heinzen, H, Pérez-Parada, A, Sims, DB, Figy, M, Good, D & Teta, C 2022, 'Pharmaceutical pollution of the world's rivers', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Jg. 119, Nr. 8, e2113947119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2113947119
Stetten, L, Mackevica, A, Tepe, N, Hofmann, T & von der Kammer, F 2022, 'Towards Standardization for Determining Dissolution Kinetics of Nanomaterials in Natural Aquatic Environments: Continuous Flow Dissolution of Ag Nanoparticles', Nanomaterials, Jg. 12, Nr. 3, 519. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12030519
Bubl, M, Wanek, W, Hofmann, T, Heinz, P & Lintner, M 2022, Impact of heavy metals (Cu, Fe, Pb, Zn) on carbon and nitrogen uptake of the diatom-bearing benthic foraminifera Heterostegina depressa d'Orbigny 1826. in EGU22-1616. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-1616
Rodler, A, Brons, C, Tepe, N, Hofmann, T, Koeberl, C, Frei, R & Artioli, G 2022, 'The Provenance of Copper of Egyptian Blue Pigments: A Sarcophagus from Sidon', Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. https://doi.org/10.46427/gold2022.8931
Herrera, PA, Marazuela, MA & Hofmann, T 2021, 'Parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis in hydrological modeling', Wiley interdisciplinary reviews. Water, Jg. 9, Nr. 1, e1569. https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1569
Đorđević, T, Drahota, P, Kolitsch, U, Majzlan, J, Peřestá, M, Kiefer, S, Stöger-Pollach, M, Tepe, N, Hofmann, T, Mikuš, T, Tasev, G, Serafimovski, T, Boev, I & Boev, B 2021, 'Synergetic Tl and As retention in secondary minerals: An example of extreme arsenic and thallium pollution', Applied Geochemistry, Jg. 135, 105114. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2021.105114
Lintner, M, Lintner, B, Wanek, W, Keul, N, von der Kammer, F, Hofmann, T & Heinz, P 2021, 'Effects of heavy elements (Pb, Cu, Zn) on algal food uptake by Elphidium excavatum (Foraminifera)', Heliyon, Jg. 7, Nr. 11, e08427. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2021.e08427
Cairns, S, Chaudhuri, S, Sigmund, G, Robertson, I, Hawkins, N, Dunlop, T & Hofmann, T 2021, 'Wood ash amended biochar for the removal of lead, copper, zinc and cadmium from aqueous solution', Environmental Technology and Innovation, Jg. 24, 101961. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eti.2021.101961
Castan, S, Henkel, C, Hueffer, T & Hofmann, T 2021, 'Microplastics and nanoplastics barely enhance contaminant mobility in agricultural soils', Communications Earth & Environment, Jg. 2, Nr. 1, 193. https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-021-00267-8
Hummel, D, Fath, A, Hofmann, T & Hueffer, T 2021, 'Additives and polymer composition influence the interaction of microplastics with xenobiotics', Environmental Chemistry, Jg. 18, Nr. 3, S. 101-110. https://doi.org/10.1071/EN21030
Đorđević, T, Drahota, P, Kolitsch, U, Majzlan, J, Kiefer, S, Tepe, N, Hofmann, T, Serafimovski, T, Tasev, G, Boev, I & Boev, B 2021, 'Geogenic thallium-extreme environments: in which secondary phases is Tl(I) incorporated?', Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Mineralogischen Gesellschaft, Jg. 167, S. 84.
Wasmund, K, Pelikan, C, Schintlmeister, A, Wagner, M, Watzka, M, Richter, A, Bhatnagar, S, Noel, A, Hubert, CRJ, Rattei, T, Hofmann, T, Hausmann, B, Herbold, CW & Loy, A 2021, 'Genomic insights into diverse bacterial taxa that degrade extracellular DNA in marine sediments', Nature Microbiology, Jg. 6, Nr. 7, S. 885-898. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41564-021-00917-9
Walch, H, von der Kammer, F & Hofmann, T 2021, 'Natürliche Schwebstoffe in Flüssen: Zusammensetzung, Schlüsselkomponenten und Dynamiken', Vom Wasser - das Journal, Jg. 119, Nr. 2, S. 51-53. https://doi.org/10.1002/vomw.202100010
Pfohl, P, Roth, C, Meyer, L, Heinemeyer, U, Gruendling, T, Lang, C, Nestle, N, Hofmann, T, Wohlleben, W & Jessl, S 2021, 'Microplastic extraction protocols can impact the polymer structure', Microplastics and Nanoplastics, Jg. 1, 8. https://doi.org/10.1186/s43591-021-00009-9
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