Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann
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Sigmund, G, Ågerstrand, M, Antonelli, A, Backhaus, T, Brodin, T, Diamond, ML, Erdelen, WR, Evers, DC, Hofmann, T, Hueffer, T, Lai, A, Torres, JPM, Mueller, L, Perrigo, AL, Rillig, MC, Schaeffer, A, Scheringer, M, Schirmer, K, Tlili, A, Soehl, A, Triebskorn, R, Vlahos, P, Vom Berg, C, Wang, Z & Groh, KJ 2023, 'Addressing chemical pollution in biodiversity research', Global Change Biology, Jg. 29, Nr. 12, S. 3240-3255. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16689
Carlini, C, Chaudhuri, S, Mann, O, Tomsik, D, Hüffer, T, Greggio, N, Marazza, D, Hofmann, T & Sigmund, G 2023, 'Benchmarking biochar with activated carbon for immobilizing leachable PAH and heterocyclic PAH in contaminated soils', Environmental Pollution, Jg. 325, 121417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121417
Marazuela, MA, Formentin, G, Erlmeier, K & Hofmann, T 2023, 'Acesulfame allows the tracing of multiple sources of wastewater and riverbank filtration', Environmental Pollution, Jg. 323, 121223. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121223
Marazuela, MA, Formentin, G, Erlmeier, K & Hofmann, T 2023, 'Seasonal biodegradation of the artificial sweetener acesulfame enhances its use as a transient wastewater tracer', Water Research, Jg. 232, 119670. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.119670
Viehmann, S, Kujawa, R, Hohl, SV, Tepe, N, Rodler, A, Hofmann, T & Draganits, E 2023, 'Stromatolitic carbonates from the Middle Miocene of the western Pannonian Basin reflect trace metal availability in microbial habitats during the Badenian Salinity Crisis', Chemical Geology, Jg. 618, 121301. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121301
Walch, H, Praetorius, A, von der Kammer, F & Hofmann, T 2023, 'Generation of reproducible model freshwater particulate matter analogues to study the interaction with particulate contaminants', Water Research, Jg. 229, 119385. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2022.119385
Sigmund, G, Schmid, A, Schmidt, H-P, Hagemann, N, Bucheli, TD & Hofmann, T 2023, 'Small biochar particles hardly disintegrate under cryo-stress', Geoderma: A Global Journal of Soil Science, Jg. 430, 116326. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2023.116326
Brumovský, M, Micic´, V, Oborná, J, Filip, J, Hofmann, T & Tunega, D 2023, 'Iron nitride nanoparticles for rapid dechlorination of mixed chlorinated ethene contamination', Journal of Hazardous Materials, Jg. 442, Nr. 1, 129988. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhazmat.2022.129988
Zhu, M, Zhang, Z, Zhang, T, Hofmann, T & Chen, W 2023, 'Eco-Corona Dictates Mobility of Nanoplastics in Saturated Porous Media: The Critical Role of Preferential Binding of Macromolecules', Environmental Science & Technology, Jg. 57, Nr. 1, S. 331-339. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c07376
Castan, S, Sherman, A, Peng, R, Zumstein, MT, Wanek, W, Hüffer, T & Hofmann, T 2023, 'Uptake, Metabolism, and Accumulation of Tire Wear Particle-Derived Compounds in Lettuce', Environmental Science & Technology, Jg. 57, Nr. 1, S. 168-178. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c05660
Marazuela Calvo, MA, Stockhausen, M & Hofmann, T 2023, 'Analytical strategies to measure gadolinium as a wastewater marker in surface and groundwater systems', MethodsX, Jg. 10, 101965. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2022.101965
Pfohl, P, Bahl, D, Rückel, M, Wagner, M, Meyer, L, Bolduan, P, Battagliarin, G, Hüffer, T, Zumstein, M, Hofmann, T & Wohlleben, W 2022, 'Effect of Polymer Properties on the Biodegradation of Polyurethane Microplastics', Environmental Science & Technology, Jg. 56, Nr. 23, S. 16873-16884. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c05602
Henkel, C, Hüffer, T & Hofmann, T 2022, 'Polyvinyl Chloride Microplastics Leach Phthalates into the Aquatic Environment over Decades', Environmental Science & Technology, Jg. 56, Nr. 20, S. 14507-14516. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c05108
Maletić, S, Isakovski, MK, Sigmund, G, Hofmann, T, Hüffer, T, Beljin, J & Rončević, S 2022, 'Comparing biochar and hydrochar for reducing the risk of organic contaminants in polluted river sediments used for growing energy crops', Science of the Total Environment, Jg. 843, 157122. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.157122
Stetten, L, Hofmann, T, Proux, O, Landrot, G, Kaegi, R & von der Kammer, F 2022, 'Transformation of zinc oxide nanoparticles in freshwater sediments under oxic and anoxic conditions', Environmental Science: Nano, Jg. 9, Nr. 11, S. 4255-4267. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2EN00709F
Taskula, S, Stetten, L, von der Kammer, F & Hofmann, T 2022, 'Platinum Nanoparticle Extraction, Quantification, and Characterization in Sediments by Single-Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry', Nanomaterials, Jg. 12, Nr. 19, 3307. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12193307
Marazuela Calvo, MA, García-Gil, A, Garrido, E, Santamarta, JC, Cruz-Pérez, N & Hofmann, T 2022, 'Assessment of geothermal impacts on urban aquifers using a polar coordinates-based approach', Journal of Hydrology, Jg. 612, Nr. B, 128209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2022.128209
Pfohl, P, Wagner, M, Meyer, L, Domercq, P, Antonia, P, Hüffer, T, Hofmann, T & Wohlleben, W 2022, 'Environmental degradation of microplastics: How to measure fragmentation rates to secondary micro- and nanoplastic frag-ments and dissociation into dissolved organics', Environmental Science & Technology, Jg. 56, Nr. 16, S. 11323-11334. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c01228
Chaudhuri, S, Sigmund, G, Bone, SE, Kumar, N & Hofmann, T 2022, 'Mercury Removal from Contaminated Water by Wood-Based Biochar Depends on Natural Organic Matter and Ionic Composition', Environmental Science & Technology, Jg. 56, Nr. 16, S. 11354-11362. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c01554
Walch, H, von der Kammer, F & Hofmann, T 2022, 'Freshwater suspended particulate matter-Key components and processes in floc formation and dynamics', Water Research, Jg. 220, 118655. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2022.118655
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