Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann
All Publications
Showing entries 181 - 200 out of 475
Schmid, D, Micic Batka, V, Laumann, S & Hofmann, T 2015, 'Measuring the reactivity of commercially available zero-valent iron nanoparticles used for environmental remediation with iopromide', Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, vol. 181, pp. 36-45. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jconhyd.2015.01.006
Hofmann, T 2015, 'Hydrogeologie und Wasserchemie - So nah und doch so fern', Grundwasser, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 161-161. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00767-015-0294-8
Sigmund, G, Hofmann, T, Sun, H & Kah, M 2015, Sorption of anionic and neutral species of organic acids to carbonaceous sorbents - mechanisms and prediction. in 15th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment. DDF Digitaldruckfabrik GmbH, Leipzig.
Krachler, R, Krachler, RF, Wallner, G, Hann, S, Laux, M, Recalde, MFC, Jirsa, F, Neubauer, E, von der Kammer, F, Hofmann, T & Keppler, BK 2015, 'River-derived humic substances as iron chelators in seawater', Marine Chemistry, vol. 174, pp. 85-93. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2015.05.009
Hofmann, T, "Gebündelte Forschung für unsere Umwelt", 2015, Web publication, Medienportal Universität Wien.
Dudkiewicz, A, Wagner, S, Lehner, A, Chaudhry, Q, Pietravalle, S, Tiede, K, Boxall, ABA, Allmaier, G, Tiede, D, Grombe, R, von der Kammer, F, Hofmann, T & Molhave, K 2015, 'A uniform measurement expression for cross method comparison of nanoparticle aggregate size distributions', The Analyst, vol. 140, no. 15, pp. 5257-5267. https://doi.org/10.1039/c5an00561b
Kah, M & Hofmann, T 2015, 'The Challenge: Carbon nanomaterials in the environment: New threats or wonder materials?', Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 954. https://doi.org/10.1002/etc.2898
Hofmann, T & von der Kammer, F 2015, 'Nutzen und Risiko der Nanotechnologie: Was wir lernen müssen' HighChem hautnah, vol. 10, pp. 46-48.
Schmid, D, Wagner, S, Velimirovic, M, Micic Batka, V & Hofmann, T 2015, Transport of milled zero-valent iron in porous media. in Wasser 2015: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft. pp. 385-389, Wasser 2015 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Schwerin, Germany, 11/05/15.
Sigmund, G, Kah, M, Sun, H & Hofmann, T 2015, Sorption of organic acids to a range of carbonaceous sorbents. in Wasser 2015 Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft - 11.-13. Mai 2015 Schwerin. pp. 370-373, Wasser 2015 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Schwerin, Germany, 11/05/15.
Hofmann, T, Das System Erde, 2015, Web publication, APA. <https://science.apa.at/dossier/Das_System_Erde_im_Fokus/SCI_20150331_SCI62173150622848886>
Hofmann, T, "Umweltgeowissenschaften: Von kleinsten Partikeln zu großen Fragen", 2015, Web publication, APA. <https://science.apa.at/dossier/Umweltgeowissenschaften_Von_kleinsten_Partikeln_zu_grossen_Fragen/SCI_20150331_SCI62193150822855226>
Kah, M & Hofmann, T 2015, 'Emerging risks and benefits of nanopesticides from an environmental perspective' NORMAN Bulletin, vol. 4, pp. 15-16. <http://www.norman-network.net/sites/default/files/files/bulletins/NORMAN%20Bulletin_n4March2015_vfinal.pdf>
Grombe, R, Allmaier, GM, Charoud-Got, J, Dudkiewicz, A, Emteborg, H, Hofmann, T, Larsen, EH, Lehner, A, Llinas, M, Loeschner, K, Molhave, K, Peters, R, Seghers, J, Solans, C, von der Kammer, F, Wagner, S, Weigel, S & Linsinger, TPJ 2015, 'Feasibility of the development of reference materials for the detection of Ag nanoparticles in food: neat dispersions and spiked chicken meat', Accrediation and Quality Assurance, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 3-16. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00769-014-1100-5
Kuhn, KM, Neubauer, E, Hofmann, T, von der Kammer, F, Aiken, GR & Maurice, PA 2015, 'Concentrations and Distributions of Metals Associated with Dissolved Organic Matter from the Suwannee River (GA, USA)', Environmental Engineering Science, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 54-65. https://doi.org/10.1089/ees.2014.0298
Brünjes, RM, Bichler, A & Hofmann, T 2015, 'A new method for the determination of Gadolinium in ppq levels', Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 17.
Velimirovic, M, Schmid, D, Wagner, S, Micic Batka, V, von der Kammer, F & Hofmann, T 2015, Agar agar stabilized milled zerovalent iron particles for in situ groundwater remediation. in Abstract Book-AquaConSoil 2015: Book of abstracts - 13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources (AquaConSoil) 2015 . DDF Digitaldruckfabrik GmbH, pp. 168-169, AquaConSoil 2015-13th International UFZ-Deltares Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources, Kopenhagen, Denmark, 9/06/15.
Tröster, M, Lipp, P, Sacher, F, Hofmann, T & Brauch, H-J 2015, 'Application of laser-induced breakdown-detection as a sensitive detector for UF membrane surrogate challenge tests', Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 377-383. https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2014.126
Navratilova, J, Gondikas, A, von der Kammer, F & Hofmann, T 2015, 'Application of triple quadrupole inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry for characterization of metal oxide nanoparticles', Paper presented at European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry 2015, Münster, Germany, 22/02/15 - 26/02/15.
Micic Batka, V, Schmid, D, Marko, F, Velimirovic, M, Wagner, S, von der Kammer, F & Hofmann, T 2015, Aquifer modification: an approach to improve the mobility of nanoscale zero-valent iron particles used for in situ groundwater remediation. in Abstract Book-EGU 2015. European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2015, Wien, Austria, 12/04/15.
Showing entries 181 - 200 out of 475