Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann

All Publications

Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 475


Schoenhacker-Alte, B, Baier, D, Mohr, T, Pirker, C, Buck, A, Hofmann, T, Keppler, B, Berger, W & Heffeter, P 2018, 'Update on NKP-1339/IT-139, a ruthenium-based GRP78 inhibitor in clinical development', Oncology Research and Treatment, vol. 41, no. Supplement 1, pp. 47-48.


Sigmund, G, Huber, D, Bucheli, TD, Baumann, M, Borth, N, Guebitz, GM & Hofmann, T 2017, 'Cytotoxicity of biochar: A workplace safety concern?', Environmental Science and Technology Letters, vol. 4, no. 9, pp. 362-366. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.estlett.7b00267

Hofmann, T, von der Kammer, F, Gondikas, A, Tharaud, M, Benedetti, MF & Cornelis, G 2017, TiO2 nanomaterial detection in calium rich matrices by spICPMS. A matter of resolution and treatment. in Goldschmidt Abstracts. vol. 2017, pp. 3914, Goldschmidt Conference 2017, Paris, France, 13/08/17.

Hofmann, T & von der Kammer, F, Nanopartikel im Heuhaufen gefunden, 2017, Web publication, Medienportal Universität Wien.

Kolar, E, Micic Batka, V, Hüffer, T & Hofmann, T 2017, Leaching of additives from PVC microplastic particles to aquatic systems upon weathering. in Wasser 2017 Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft . pp. 422-425, Wasser 2017 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Donaueschingen, Germany, 22/05/17.

Praetorius, A, Walch, H, Tepe, N, Stoll, S, Clavier, A, Carnal, F, Gondikas, A, Hassellov, M, Brunelli, A, Marcomini, A, Quik, JTK, Peijnenburg, WJGM, Hofmann, T & von der Kammer, F 2017, Heteroaggregation of engineered nanoparticles with natural colloids: theoretical considerations and experimental approaches. in Wasser 2017 Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft - 22.-24.Mai 2017 Donaueschingen. pp. 435-439, Wasser 2017 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft, Donaueschingen, Germany, 22/05/17.

Brünjes, RM, Höhn, P & Hofmann, T 2017, Stabilitätsunterschiede von Gadolinium-Komplexen. in Wasser 2017 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft., Sp 010, pp. 538-543.

Weiss, VU, Urey, C, Gondikas, A, von der Kammer, F, Hofmann, T, Golesne, M, Friedbacher, G, Marchetti-Deschmann, M, Allmaier, G, Andersson, R & Marko-Varga, G 2017, 'Gas-phase electrophoresis of liposomes at atmospheric pressure', Paper presented at ANAKON 2017, Tübingen, Germany, 3/04/17 - 6/04/17.

Showing entries 121 - 140 out of 475