Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann

All Publications


Hüffer, T, Kah, M, Hofmann, T & Schmidt, TC 2013, 'How aging affects sorption behavior of nC60.', Paper presented at 8th International Conference of the Environmental Effects of Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, Aix en Provence, France, 3/07/13 - 5/07/13.

Wagner, S, von der Kammer, F, Legros, S & Hofmann, T 2013, How to develop a quantitative and validated method for the analysis of engineered nanoparticles in a complex food matrix. in FFF2013: International Symposium on Field- and Flow based Separations. Field and Flow based separation 2013.

Wagner, S, Gondikas, A, von der Kammer, F, Legros, S & Hofmann, T 2013, How to quantitatively analyze engineered nanoparticles in a complex food matrix. in H Köksel (ed.), EUROFOODCHEM XVII: Book of Abstracts. Hacettepe University, pp. 608-608, EuroFoodChem 2013, Istanbul, Turkey, 7/05/13.

Laumann, S, Hofmann, T & Micic Batka, V 2013, Injection of polyelectrolytes enhances mobility of zero-valent ironnanoparticles in carbonate-rich porous media. in 23. Doktorandentreffen der Hydrogeologen. pp. 31, 23. Doktorantentreffen der Hydrogeologen, Hannover, Germany, 7/03/13.

Hofmann, T, Laumann, S, Micic Batka, V, Clement, D & Fellner, J 2013, 'Material Flow Analysis: an Effectiveness Assessment Tool for In Situ Thermal Remediation', Vadose Zone Journal, vol. 12, no. 1.

Schmid, D, Laumann, S, Micic Batka, V & Hofmann, T 2013, Reactivity of nZVI in column experiments. in 23. Doktorandentreffen der Hydrogelogen. pp. 35, 23. Doktorantentreffen der Hydrogeologen, Hannover, Germany, 7/03/13.

Hofmann, T, Tröster, M, Happel, O, Sacher, F, Lipp, P & Brauch, H-J 2013, 'Rückhalt von Titandioxid-Nanopartikeln bei der Mikro- und Ultrafiltration', Vom Wasser - das Journal, vol. 111, no. 2, 31-66, pp. 47-49.

Hofmann, T, Tröster, M, Happel, O, Sacher, F, Lipp, P & Brauch, H-J 2013, Rückhalt von Titandioxid-Nanopartikeln bei der Mikro- und Ultrafiltration. in Wasser 2013: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 2013. pp. 39-42.

Kah, M, Hofmann, T & Zhang, X 2013, 'Sorption behavior of carbon nanotubes: effects of dispersion and surface chemistry', Paper presented at 14th EuCheMS International Conference on Chemistry and the Environment ICCE 2013), Barcelona, Spain, 25/06/13 - 28/06/13.

Kah, M, Zhang, X & Hofmann, T 2013, 'Sorption behavior of carbon nanotubes: importance of dispersion and surface chemistry.', Paper presented at SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 12/05/13 - 16/05/13.

Kah, M, Beulke, S, Tiede, K & Hofmann, T 2013, 'State of knowledge on nano-pesticides and implications for environmental exposure assessment in the EU', Paper presented at SETAC Europe 23rd Annual Meeting, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 12/05/13 - 16/05/13.

Kah, M, Beulke, S, Monteiro, S, Tiede, K & Hofmann, T 2013, State of knowledge on nanopesticides: implications for environmental fate assessment. in Wasser 2013: Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 2013. pp. 136-140.