Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann

All Publications


Hofmann, T, von der Kammer, F, Lead, J & Baalousha, M 2009, Natural Colloids and Nanoparticles in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments. in Environmental and Human Health Impacts of Nanotechnology. Unknown publisher, pp. 109-161.

Jirsa, F, Ayromlou, S, Süphandag, A, Körner, W, von der Kammer, F, Krachler, R, Krachler, R, Hofmann, T & Keppler, B 2009, NATURAL NANO PARTICLES IN PEAT BOG RUN OFFS ACTING AS IMPORTANT CHELATORS FOR IRON. in 9th Nanotechnology Conference, IEEE NANO 2009 , Genua, 26 - 30 Juli 2009. Unknown publisher. <http://www.medinfo.dist.unige.it/ieeenano2009/>

Micic Batka, V, Körner, P & Hofmann, T 2009, Occurrence and spatial distribution of alkylphenolic compounds in the Danube River. in Kurzreferate Wasser 2009, Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 18-20 Mai 2009, Hansestadt Stralsund. Unknown publisher, pp. 284-288.

Kruge, M, Micic Batka, V, Körner, P, Bujalski, N & Hofmann, T 2009, Organic geochemistry of Danube River sediments from Pancevo (Serbia) to the Iron Gate Dam (Serbia-Romania). in Book of Abstracts from the 24th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG), September 6 -11, 2009 in Bremen, Germany. Unknown publisher, pp. 342-342. <http://www.marum.de/Page7497.html?SID=b775eb233fd247ce3053192709bcfa89>

Hofmann, T & Mauthner-Weber, S 2009, 'Revolution hinter dem Komma' Kurier.

Hofmann, T & Hammer, M (ed.), Risiken der Nanotechnologie - "Von Zeit zu Zeit", 2009, Radio show.


Ottofülling, S, Weilhartner, A, von der Kammer, F, Battin, T & Hofmann, T 2008, Behavior, Fate and Effects of different TiO2 Nanoparticles in the Aquatic Environment. in Proceedings of the "DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY" - 235th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 6-10, 2008. American Chemical Society, ACS SYMPOSIUM SERIES.

Pies, C, Hoffmann, B, Petrowsky, J, Yang, Y, Ternes, T & Hofmann, T 2008, 'Characterization and source identification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in river bank soils', Chemosphere, vol. 72, pp. 1594-1601.

Micic Batka, V, Sacher, F, Slobodnik, J, Brauch, H-J & Hofmann, T 2008, 'Endocrine disrupting alkylphenolic compounds in the Danube River', Journal of Alpine Geology, vol. 49, pp. 70-70.

Sengl, M, Micic Batka, V & Hofmann, T 2008, Joint Danube Survey 2 Final Scientific Report: EU WFD organic priority substances in water, suspended particulate matter, sediments and biota and other organic pollutants. in Joint Danube Survey 2: Final Scientific Report. vol. 2, ICPDR - International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, pp. 132-146.