Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thilo Hofmann

All Publications


Hofmann, T, Laumann, S, Micic Batka, V, Clement, D & Fellner, J 2011, Evaluating in-situ thermal source remediation of chlorinated solvents. in Wasser 2011 - Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft. Unknown publisher.

Hofmann, T, Laumann, S, Micic Batka, V, Clement, D & Fellner, J 2011, Evaluating in-situ thermal source remediation of chlorinated solvents. in 3. TASK Symposium: "Zukunft Altlasten - Strategien und Technologien Made in Germany". Unknown publisher.

Hofmann, T, Laumann, S, Micic Batka, V, Kruge, M, Schwarzbauer, J, Achten, C & Sachsenhofer, RF 2011, Extractable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in coals of various rank and origin. in 23rd International Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 23). Unknown publisher.

Zhang, X, Hofmann, T, Kah, M & Jonker, MTO 2011, Influence of Humic Acids on Pyrene Sorption by Carbon Nanotubes. in 23rd Symposium on Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (ISPAC 23). Unknown publisher.

Kah, M, Beulke, S, Tiede, K & Hofmann, T 2011, Nano-pesticides: state of knowledge, impacts and exposure assessment. in XIV Symposium on Pesticide Chemistry. Unknown publisher, 14th Symposium on pesticide chemistry, Italy, 30/08/11. <http://static.unicatt.it/resources/pc/XIV_Symposium_in_Pesticide_Chemistry/SymposiumProceedings.zip>

Hofmann, T & Yang, Y 2011, PAHS IN SEDIMENTS ASSOCIATED WITH COAL AND COAL-DERIVED PARTICLES -- OCCURRENCE, MOBILITY AND RISK ASSESSMENT. in CE Jones (ed.), Encyclopedia of polymer research. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 577-586.

Hofmann, T, von der Kammer, F & Neubauer, E 2011, Size dependent element concentrations in natural aquatic samples: a multimethod approach. in Tagungsband der Jahrestagung der Wasserchemischen Gesellschaft 2011. Unknown publisher.

Kah, M, Zhang, X, Jonker, MTO & Hofmann, T 2011, Sorption of hydrophobic and very hydrophobic PAHs onto carbon nanotubes in the low concentration range. in Abstract book. SETAC Europe 21th Annual Meeting. Unknown publisher.